Are you looking for printable heart templates? Here they are! There are seven different printable heart templates to choose from. You can download any of them by clicking the link below the picture of the template you want. They are all free to download.
You can use these heart shape templates for Valentine’s Day or for any other craft project you need some different sizes of heart templates for. There are tons of different things you can use them for.
Download All of the Heart Templates
If you would like to download all of the printable heart templates and heart outlines, enter your email address in the space provided below. Then check your inbox for an email that will contain a link to the PDF print version of all 8 pages of heart outlines & templates.
So look through all of the heart templates below and choose the one you want. Remember, you download the PDF of the heart shapes suitable for printing by clicking the link below the picture.
Printable Heart Coloring Pages
The heart outlines can be used as printable heart coloring pages. Below is a letter-size 8.5 x 11 page with one large heart outline that can be colored in and folded as a Valentine card. It is larger than the picture shown. Click the link below the heart to see the actual size. Your kids will love making their very own valentines using this heart template.
Download the large printable heart coloring page or template here.
Printable Heart Template with Lines
Here is a printable heart template with lines that you can print out and kids can write on to make a memorable valentine for anyone. It is the same size as the heart above, but it contains lines to help with writing on it. It also fits on a letter-size 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. Kids can also use colored pencils or crayons to color them in.
Click to download the heart template with lines here.
Then there is a page of six smaller heart outlines that fit on an 8.5 x 11 letter-size paper. These can be used as coloring pages as well, or you can use them to create heart crafts.
Click here to download the six smaller heart outlines.
Printable Red Hearts
There is also a sheet of printable red hearts that you can print and cut out and fold as cards, use in craft projects, or whatever you need a heart shape for. They are also on a sheet of 8.5 x 11 letter-size paper and are larger than shown below. Below are the small red hearts, then there is a large red heart.
Download the printable red hearts here.
The large heart pattern comes in two other colors, as well as just the heart outline. There is a large red heart and a large pink heart. You can print these out on card stock if you would like and create a Valentine’s Day card from them.
You can also use these heart shapes in any craft projects you may be working on where you need a heart shape. One that comes to mind immediately is decorating a Valentine card box for school. You can use the large or small size heart templates.
Again, both the large red heart and the large pink heart fit on a sheet of 8.5 X 11 letter-size paper and are larger than shown below. Click to download the PDF below each heart to see the actual size.
Click here to download the large printable red heart.
Download the large printable pink heart here.
Printable Heart Valentines
Finally, there are some red, hot pink, and pink hearts with “Good Morning and Happy Valentine’s Day!” written on them. Then some of them have “Good Morning! I Love You!” on them.
You can print any of these hearts out to attach to your husband, wife, or significant other’s coffee in the morning for Valentine’s day. This is shown in this article containing 13 different Valentine’s Day breakfast ideas.Â
You can also print these heart shape templates with the words on them to attach to your kids’ milk or juice in the morning. There are six hearts that fit on a sheet of 8.5 x 11 letter-size paper. They are larger than shown below, click the link below the picture to download the printable PDF to see the actual size.
Click here to download the printable heart valentines.
Here are a sheet of six hearts that will also work great as lunch box notes that you can print out on regular paper and fold in half, and stick in their lunchboxes. They just do not include the words “Good Morning!” so they are appropriate for any time of day.
Download these printable heart valentines here.
Other Valentine’s Day Printables
If you like these heart templates and outlines, you will probably like these free printable conversation hearts as well. Make sure to check those out too.
There are lots of other Valentine’s Day printables on this site that you might like. There are free printable Valentine’s Day candy bar wrappers that you can print and wrap over chocolate bars.
Also, there are Valentine coupons that you can print to make a coupon book to give as an inexpensive homemade DIY Valentine’s day gift to kids or adults. Some coupons are filled in already, and there are also blank coupon templates that you can print and fill in with your ideas.
Valentine wine bottle labels can be printed and attached to your favorite bottle of wine. Add a matching Valentine’s gift tag to the neck of the bottle, and you have a fantastic Valentine’s Day gift idea. There are several designs to choose from, so pick the one that best suits the person you are gifting it to.
Other Printable Templates and Outlines
Make sure you check out these free printable star templates too! These are perfect for crafts or activities for both Christmas and the 4th of July.
There are some cross outlines printables that are great for religious occasions, crafts, activities and even Easter. There are lots of different sizes and designs to choose from.
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