If you are looking for journaling ideas or wondering how to start journaling, this isn’t something you need to think about too hard. You’ve probably heard about bullet journaling and though many people enjoy keeping a bullet journal, it does not have to be that elaborate. There are tons of journals’ types and styles, but you can start with some paper and a pencil.
Any old notebook will do. You can use your computer if you prefer, but I think there is something about writing things down instead of typing them that solidifies them in my brain. Either way, though, the point is that you can get started right away with what you already own.
Tips for Journaling
First, I’m going to share some tips for journaling with you, then give you ten different journaling ideas that you can try. Follow these journaling tips to get the most out of your journaling practice.
- Do it first thing in the morning. This will help you get into the right frame of mind for the day. You will also be sure to fit it in if you do it right away instead of putting it off and having other urgent things take over your time.
- If you are so inclined, also write in your journal before you go to bed. This is a great time to write down things that you are grateful for. This will allow you to go to sleep focusing on the right things rather than worrying.
- Write in your journal every day. Try to make a habit of it. You can download a free habit tracker here to help you stay motivated and develop this habit. Making a habit and journaling every day will be much more useful than doing it only here or there.
- If you don’t know what to write, start simply writing about your day. What do you want to get done if you are writing in the morning? If you are writing in the evening, what went well that day? What would you want to do differently? What do you want to continue doing?
- You do not have to journal for long periods. You can take just 5 or 10 minutes each day to journal.
- Create a comfortable space where you can journal. Make it somewhere where you will not be interrupted.
- You can keep other items in your journal that you want to remember as well—things such as pictures, tickets, important papers, etc.
- Go back and read what you have already written in your journal every so often. It is fun to revisit the past in your journal. Once you have been journaling for at least a year, go back to the same date in the previous year and see how far you have come. See what has changed and what has not and why.
Journaling Ideas
Make your journal your own. You can journal about one topic if you want to focus on it or journal about multiple things. Below are some ideas for you.
Weight Loss/Food Tracker Journal
You can record what you eat each day if you are trying to lose weight. You can also record your weight each day.
Journaling About Your Kids
You can write down your kids’ activities or funny things they did or said that day. A journal is also an excellent place for you to record your children’s firsts, such as first words, first steps, or anything else you want to keep track of.
Goal Setting and Tracking Journal
A journal is an excellent place for you to write down your goals. Make them SMART goals. You can also track your progress towards reaching them each day. This is a great way to motivate you to take action towards your goals each and every day. It is also a great way to keep them front of mind and make you more likely to achieve them.
Staying Organized With Your Journal
A journal is a great way to help you stay organized. You can keep everything in one place. Then you have your journal to refer to when you need it.
Keeping Track of a Project in Your Journal
This can be a project you are working on at home or work. A journal is a great place to document and track your projects.
Keep Track of Your Ideas in Your Journal
A journal is a great place to write down all of your ideas so as not to forget them. How many times have you had an idea and then lost it? As soon as you have an idea throughout your day, pick up your journal and write them down. You will want to review the ideas you have written down in your journal every so often to determine which ones you want to take action on.
Keep a Running To-Do List in Your Journal
A journal is a great place to keep a running to-do list. You can cross off things as you complete them and add items as they arise. Reviewing this to-do list can also give you a real sense of accomplishment once you see all of the things that have been crossed off. It also helps you keep everything you have to do in one place to refer to it easily.
Keep a Gratitude Journal
This is something you may want to add to your journaling practice, even if you are choosing other things to journal about. Writing down what you are thankful for or what is going right in your life helps you focus on the right things. This will help put you into a positive mindset each day rather than focusing on what is going wrong.
Prioritize the Things You Want to Get Done
Using your journal to prioritize what is most important to you helps you know what to focus on each day. This will help you intentionally work on the things you want to be working on rather than having life happen without you controlling its direction.
Journal to Document a Vacation
Writing in your journal every day is a great way to document a vacation. You can then review it years later and relive the fond memories.
Download a Free Printable Gratitude and Writing Journal
To make it super easy for you to get started with your journaling practice, you can download this free printable gratitude and writing journal. There is space at the top of each page for writing down three things you are grateful for that day. Then there is a place for you to write in the date and lines for you to write whatever you would like. There is a cover page and seven daily pages. You can print as many copies as you want to keep using this pretty journal beyond the first week.
Conclusion for Journaling Ideas to Help You Get Started
I hope you have a better understanding of how to get started journaling and some of the different things you can journal about. The truth is the possibilities are endless. You can journal however you want to and about whatever you would like.
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