Over time, it seems like the random things or old purchases we collect in our house start to take up too much of our space.
Getting rid of those items is not always easy. Sometimes, we may feel attached to them, even if we don’t need them anymore. We are also scared that as soon as we throw away a useless object, we will need it just the day after.
However, the truth is that in most cases, there are a lot of things to get rid of, and that will make our house all the more organized and decluttered.
Once you get rid of the things on this list, you can move on to the 30 day declutter challenge and really get your home in order. Here is a list of such objects you can get rid of today!
1. Old magazines
Most of us love to spend some time reading magazines. Usually, we tend to gather up plenty of magazines just in case we wish to spend some time reading them in the future. Years later, that time still hasn’t come.
Getting rid of some of your oldest magazines is a great step towards freeing up a lot of space. If they are in good shape, you could also donate them.
2. Old clothes
Most of us are, by nature, terrible clothing hoarders. We keep our old clothes stored away even if they are several sizes too small or too big for us.
In particular, women are more prone to keeping their old clothes in the closet or dresser for years after they have purchased them.
The result is an overflowing and bursting wardrobe. Getting rid of your old clothes will provide you with sufficient space in your closet, even if you feel attached to them.
You can read how to get rid of clothes in 5 easy steps here.
3. Notebooks/ Scrap Paper
While you may want to keep some scrap paper, note pads, notebooks, or other papers where you jot things down, you want to keep this to a minimum.
If you are anything like me, you may have several different notebooks lying around containing all your various to-do lists, grocery lists, and other things that you wish to write down.
It is much better to keep one notebook at a time containing all of these things. That way, you will not be looking through several different notebooks to find where you wrote that list you are looking for.
You will also automatically know where to find a scrap paper next time you wish to make a shopping list.
4. Expired makeup
Any makeup products you have hidden in the back of your makeup drawer that has expired should be tossed immediately.
They take up some of your valuable space, but they are also not good for you to apply on your skin when they are past their expiration date.
5. Expired medicine
Every house has its medicine cupboard. In most cases, we rarely take some time to clean the cabinet and check for pills or other medicine that has expired.
It is time for you to clean your medicine cabinet and throw away any medication that’s past its expiration date. That way, you can rest assured when the time comes for you to use something from the cupboard; you will not risk using an expired one.
6. Old cell phones
Most of us make a pile of our old cell phones in some corner of our house.
However, keeping cell phones that cannot possibly get repaired or used in the future is quite useless. Even if you feel unable to get rid of them since they cost you a lot of money in the past, there is no need for you to keep them.
7. Useless old pens
Many of us love to collect pens. However, in most cases, many of those pens will stop working after a while.
Whether you have a pen holder full of free pens you got from a trade show, packages of pen you bought yourself in the past, or even presents, you need to check them and see which of them are still working.
The chances are that you possess way more pens than you could ever use. Get rid of those that have stopped working, and you will never miss them.
8. Socks without a match
Socks are an integral part of our wardrobe. However, it is quite common that after a while, you will notice that some of your socks are suddenly missing their match.
Unless it is just a plain black or white sock missing and you can pair it with a similar one, you should get rid of those socks. Clear up space in your drawer and toss those lonely socks.
9. Old books you have read
In most cases, a book is good for one read. If you have a collection of old books you never plan to read again, you can choose to donate some of them.
By doing that, you will free some of your space to welcome some brand new future books. Keep your favorite real old books in a different pile if you wish to reread some of them in the future.
10. Worn out shoes
Just like old clothes, worn-out shoes serve no purpose. Feel free to toss them away as soon as possible. That way, you will free your shoe organizer, and you will be able to store some new pairs of shoes in the future. Although it may feel a bit frustrating to throw away your lovely old stilettos or boots, you will never regret it.
11. Old linens and towels
Many of us have an old wardrobe full of old linens, towels, and sheets. The truth is that no one wishes to sleep on sheets with holes or nasty stains on them.
Let alone use some damaged, ripped, or worn-out towels. So why keep them? Since you have several other linens and towels, feel free to toss away those old and damaged pieces.
12. Mini toiletries
Among the top things to get rid of right away are those mini toiletries you have acquired from your last expedition. Little shampoo samples or conditioner bottles you got from the hotel you were staying are currently part of your bathroom drawer.
However, if you don’t use those products, there is no need for you to keep them. Toss them away and make room for some of the bathroom products you are using.
Things to Get Rid of Conclusion
Living in a clean and organized house can help us feel more at home. To achieve that great home environment, we should get rid of useless old things we are not in need anymore.
It may seem not easy to part from those objects at first, but you will soon understand that they were taking up part of your valuable space without reason.
So go grab a bin or box and go through your home and get rid of these 12 things today. It will be a quick win in decluttering your home.
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